Sunday 27 October 2013

How to keep the winter woes at bay

What do we mean by winter woes, you might be asking? Well, whether you’re one of those who loves or loathes the colder months, you can’t tell us that catching a cold isn’t even the slightest bit annoying. Or that having to drag your shopping back from the supermarket in freezing cold temperatures is even remotely tempting. As I write this, there is a storm imminent and I know I’d much rather be sitting here at the kitchen table rather than out there trying to battle my way through the strong winds. So what winter-themed advice can we offer?

First up, if you haven’t caught one already, here’s a few tips on how not to. Yes, we’re talking the sniffles. Winter colds are a right pain in the sinuses, but if you want to reduce your chances of catching the virus, it’s mainly a case of having a bit of common sense rather than spending a fortune. And what about all those warm and hearty winter food essentials that should be lining your shelves? It’s not about spending loads of dosh on posh nosh, but more about smarter shopping.

You may or may not have noticed that half term is upon us. If you have children that is. If you don’t please feel free to skip to the next paragraph, or you still might want to read our half term blog post so you know the places to avoid over the next week (mainly online toy shops).

And let’s talk about the other winter-related activity that you either love or loathe. Yes, the annual compiling of the Christmas shopping list. What in heaven’s name are you going to buy your mum/dad/partner/kids etc etc??? Well, we haven’t got all bases covered just yet, but here are few tips to get you started on your gift buying for daddy dearest.

And don’t forget, you’ve still got a chance to win £250 worth of vouchers for either Marks and Spencers, Cath Kidston or Mint Velvet when you download our excellent money saving app to you browser of choice. It will help with all that online Christmas shopping and will be especially welcomed by those who like to spend time as little as possible on this activity as well as those who like to spend as little money as possible.

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