Monday 27 January 2014

See January out in style with a voucher code

Well, we’re nearly there. Only a few more days to go until the longest month of the year is over. Ok, so technically it’s no longer than any other month containing thirty-one days, but it certainly feels like the longest. So how are we all going with those New Year’s resolutions? Struggling a bit? Just because January is nearly over, this doesn’t mean you have to jack it all in. See January out in style with a voucher code and it might give you that extra bit of inspiration…

If you’re finding it hard to muster the energy for these last few days, then take a look at our tips to help you drag yourself through the remainder of the month. You can either curl up under the blanket with a good book and pretend that January doesn’t exist, or show the month what you’re made of by taking up a new hobby, or booking that summer holiday. Whatever your method, there’s plenty of voucher codes available to help you save money while you do it.

Talking of summer holidays, you do know it’s never too early to start booking, right? We may be in the throes of winter but leaving it to the last minute is no longer the only budget option of available. Loads of travel providers are throwing special early bird offers and holiday discount vouchers at you if you get in before the mad rush starts so here are a few ideas to help your imagination wonder, and if you pick the right summer holiday deal, you might be following it.

Probably one of the most common New Year’s resolutions involves pledging to lose weight, but we all know diets can be contrary unreliable things. And when we say ‘diets’ we mean human nature. So how about setting yourself a more realistic target – just try and lead a healthier lifestyle in general rather than undertaking a rash diet of some sort, and you might find that the weight will soon come off, and more importantly, stay off. Here’s our guide on how to beat that lingering Christmas bulge in a more sensible way.

And now time for another dose of realism – this talk of summer holidays is all very well and good, but in the here and now, we’re all living through a permanent torrential downpour and we need advice on how to get through it. And this form of advice should be fashion-related, obviously. So here are a few tips on how to dress for a rainy day and save some money in the process.

So say goodbye to the longest month in style, and next week, we’ll be saying hello to the shortest!