Monday 5 December 2016

4 Winter Survival Tips You Can’t Live Without

Ah, winter. When it’s not here, we long for it but when it is here, we can’t help moaning about it. So just like pretty much every season in the British calendar then. But winter is a little bit different than every other season because it brings with it Christmas festivities and all the highs and lows they signify. So, if you’re finding yourself flagging in the cold or overwhelmed by the burdens of December, here are a few tips on how to survive the winter and everything it can throw at you…

Choose the Right Soundtrack

A Christmas song can make or break a mood – start playing them too early and they can have the opposite effect, but choose an absolute Christmas banger and it can get you through those particularly tough days and weeks and give you something to look forward to. In fact, the same rule applies for those classic Christmas films too. But back to the music – if you’re going to make a Christmas playlist, make it a good one, and over on our blog we’ve put together a list of the very best tunes as well as some Zavvi voucher codes with 10% off if you want to compile an actual collection with some actual Christmas records.

Prepare Yourself for a Cold Snap

No, we’re not talking an adequate supply of thermals (also that’s also advisable), but rather making sure you have all the provision necessary to de-ice your car when you’re caught short and have to get somewhere pretty darn quickly. On our winter survival blog post you’ll find Micks Garage promo codes with money off to help you stock up on your winter car care products as well as some other tips on how to get over the worst winter has to offer.

Get to Grips with Christmas Partywear

Is there a more trying issue at this time of year than what to wear to your Christmas work party? Getting the balance just right can get you on the right track for a memorable evening, but on the flip side, you could be the talking point for all the wrong reasons. Or you could just not care what anyone thinks! Whatever your opinion on the stresses of choosing your Christmas partywear, we’ve got some festive Debenhams discount vouchers in our party season blog post to help you save on perhaps one of the widest choices of Christmas party dresses available in the UK.

Find the Right Footwear

Having wet feet at any time is an annoyance, but in the winter you can multiply this annoyance by a million. Somehow the freezing cold puddle water always manages to find its way in, whether that’s because there’s a sneaky hole in your soles or you just haven’t spent the few extra pounds required for waterproof shoes or boots. But don’t fret because in our winter survival post this week we’ve featured Brantano discount codes with 30% off to help you invest in some suitable footwear, so fill your boots. Or rather, don’t.

Even if you’re winter’s biggest fan, you have to admit it throws us a few curve balls on occasion and we’re not just talking what to buy your father-in-law for Christmas. But if you stay on top of things, you might actually start to enjoy what winter has to offer for a change…